Ok, so you may be wondering why you might want an upgraded listing. Well, besides just wanting to support us so we can grow this site into a great resource for your potential clients… Here are some benefits to having an upgraded listing:
So, The Premium listing is really beneficial to a business who doesn’t have a website for one reason or another, or who would want a landing page website separate from the current website available to them now (For example, a franchised business who doesn’t have control of their website/microsite). What is nice about this option is that your landing page is going to benefit from the sitewide Search Engine Optimization that we have ongoing. So you are killing 2 birds with one stone. Your landing page will have unique local business schema for your business to help it be more relevant to your business and service area. Additionally, if you don’t want someone to know that your landing page is part of our site, you can use your own URL with a cloaked redirect so when people go to that URL, they will see your landing page, but it will still show your forwarded URL. (If you need help setting that up. We can help you with that.) Here is an example of what the landing page would look like: https://arizonaassistedliving.online/american-groves-senior-living/ It would be customized to your business of course.
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